If you haven’t started a cleaning schedule for the upcoming holidays I want to share a strategy to help you get your home clutter free for Christmas.
The draw of commercialism tends to entice us to go out and buy all the pretty shiny organizational bins and labels but aren't set up to the processes that work for you in your life. In the end, you have a house filled to the brim of things that are in bins and labeled but still not used.
The beauty of owning and keeping less stuff is a calmer living environment filled with only the things you love and use regularly. When you own less stuff you have more time and energy to live your life fully, you have more money in the bank and a better perspective on what’s important. Clutter tends to block all of those things and instead leave you drowning in your emotional baggage.
Round 1 – You’ll toss items that need to be trashed
Round 2 – You’ll put items into boxes for donation
Round 3 – You’ll put items aside that have some value, and you’d like to sell.
Start with what you want to throw away. That’s usually the easiest. Go room by room and put into the trash bag all the stuff you want to throw away. As you pick up an object, think about the last time you used it, whether you truly love it and how hard it would be to replace it down the road if you change your mind. If you hate it, don’t want it, or it’s broken, toss it into the trash bag.
Once you’ve complete Round 1, you’ll go back with a box to start Round 2 and begin to box up the things that you’re ready to part with but would like to give away. Again, you’ll ask yourself how much you love something, and how hard it would be to replace the object down the road.
Finally, in Round 3, you’ll box up what you want to sell at either your next yard sale or on a yard sellers site.
This strategy is easy and doesn't place too much emotional pressure to the process. Don't beat yourself up or use negative self talk when going through your rooms. Simply do the thing. I hope you have a great holiday with all the peace and love.